
2014 Bike Month in the Heights

By Heights Bicycle Coalition / May 4, 2014

Once again, May is Bike Month in the Heights.  Cleveland Heights has more to celebrate than ever since becoming recognized by the League of American Bicyclists as a Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly Community in October 2013.  We’re building on all that has been accomplished with an expanding list of Bike Month activities in 2014.  Here’s the roster: May 5 – At its…

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Annual Meeting on April 27

By Heights Bicycle Coalition / April 15, 2014

Help steer the future of bicycling in the Heights by attending the Heights Bicycle Coalition’s Annual Member Meeting at the Historic Superior Schoolhouse on Sunday, April 27, 4 – 6 p.m.  After a brief meeting to elect trustees and conduct other business, we will present the program: Bicycling in the Heights: Past, Present and Future. The CH Historical Society…

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Smart Cycling Class

By Heights Bicycle Coalition / March 31, 2014

The Heights Bicycle Coalition and the City of Cleveland Heights are collaborating to offer the League of American Bicyclists’ Smart Cycling course, taught by League Certified Instructors.  The half-day class will prepare everyone age 14 or older to safely commute, run errands and have fun on bicycles.  The class is for bicyclists of all experience…

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Become an HBC Board Member

By Heights Bicycle Coalition / February 25, 2014

Several of the current HBC board members are stepping down at the end of their terms this spring and we are looking for new members!!   We are a small but mighty organization and are proud of our accomplishments in the four years since our birth: Supported the City of CH in achieving the League of…

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Updates on Cleveland Heights School Travel Plan and Transportation Advisory Committee

By Heights Bicycle Coalition / February 23, 2014

After several drafts, the Cleveland Heights School Travel Plan is nearly complete.  Once submitted to the Ohio Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School, the recommendations provided in this plan will be the basis for applications for infrastructure and non-infrastructure grants.  The grant applications are due on March 3.  Infrastructure improvements around the schools in the…

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Don’t Miss Award-Winning Bicycle Movie on January 23!

By Heights Bicycle Coalition / January 8, 2014

Rising From Ashes, the feature-length documentary about Team Rwanda, will premiere in Cleveland on Thursday, January 23 when the cycling film screens at 7 p.m. at the Cedar Lee Theatre, 2163 Lee Road in Cleveland Heights. Here’s a link to a trailer about the movie: The event will benefit the Heights Bicycle Coalition and Bike…

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Getting Connected

By Heights Bicycle Coalition / November 19, 2013

In the next year or two, the Lake to Lakes Trail will connect Lake Erie to the Shaker Lakes.  This trail takes advantage of the existing Harrison-Dillard Bikeway through Rockefeller Park, past the Cultural Gardens.  After passing through University Circle, the trail winds uphill along Fairhill Road.  Currently, it ends at the Cleveland-Shaker Heights border on Fairhill. Cleveland Heights…

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Plan to Improve Connectivity Between Cleveland Heights and University Circle Is Complete

By Heights Bicycle Coalition / November 18, 2013

One of the first actions of the Heights Bicycle Coalition after its formation in May 2010 was to meet with Cleveland Heights and University Circle leaders to request improved connectivity between the Heights and the Circle.  The following year was dedicated to deciding to pursue and the applying for a Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) planning grant from…

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Should You Apply to Serve on the Cleveland Heights Transportation Advisory Committee?

By Heights Bicycle Coalition / November 14, 2013

Cleveland Heights City Council recently created a Transportation Advisory Committee and is now looking for members to serve on the TAC.  Please consider now, because applications are due by November 25! The purpose of the Committee shall be to provide a means for the community to obtain information about matters related to transportation within Cleveland…

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After-school Bike Clubs Have a Good Ride

By Heights Bicycle Coalition / November 11, 2013

This fall, Canterbury and Fairfax Elementary Schools in Cleveland Heights had after-school bike clubs.  The clubs met once a week for six weeks.  Children registered for the program learned about safe cycling and went for rides to playgrounds and other places of interest.  Sarah O’Keeffe and Jeff Sugerman (assisted by bike-dog Chip) taught and led this…

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