News from our partner organizations

Bike Cleveland’s 2020 Annual Meeting & Social
Sunday, Jan. 26, 4:00 p.m.
Sokol Greater Cleveland
4939 Broadway Ave, Cleveland, OH 44127
Get caught up on what happened in 2019, and see what’s on deck for 2020. Local bike shops and organizations will be there showing off the latest cool stuff and projects, as well as other cycling themed goodness. There will be a short presentation to recognize the folks who helped making 2019 such a great year.
Bike Cleveland members enjoy a delicious complimentary dinner and there will be a cash bar featuring beverages from Platform Beer Co. Current members have been sent instructions on how to get FREE entry to the event. HBC members who are not Bike Cleveland members will not receive the instructions. If you are not a member, or you have let your membership lapse, you can purchase a ticket for the event that will convert into an annual membership.
For more information, visit:
Tell the Federal Highway Administration to support and promote separated bike lanes
Please join the League of American Bicyclists in supporting the National Transportation Safety Board’s recommendations that the Federal Highway Administration take stronger steps to support and promote separated bike lanes and intersection safety treatments for people who bike.
- Recommendation 7. Include separated bike lanes and intersection safety treatments on the list of Proven Safety Countermeasures.
- Recommendation 8. Include separated bike lanes and intersection safety treatments in the Every Day Counts program.
More information and a template with the petition can be found here:
Help NOACA create a new bicycle and pedestrian plan
The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) last updated a plan for bicycle transportation in the region in 2013. This plan provided a vision for increasing the use of bicycles for transportation and commuting, while serving as a guide for developing bicycle infrastructure and included a priority bikeway system that showed where bikeway facilities should be built.
In late 2019, NOACA began the process of creating a new bicycle and pedestrian plan, called ACTIVATE. As with all of NOACA’s projects, the planning process will include significant opportunity for public involvement to best determine the plan’s objectives, needs, and goals.
The first phase of this public involvement includes a public survey. This survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. Respondents will remain anonymous. NOACA staff will use your feedback to ensure that ACTIVATE addresses the issues that affect you. We will be sharing the results of the survey in the plan.
Additional phases of the planning process, including public meetings, will be announced in early 2020For more information about the plan and to take the survey, visit here: