The Heights Bicycle Coalition Joins Local and National Efforts in Celebration of National Bike Month in May

Every year, cities across the nation celebrate National Bike Month in the month of May. During this annual celebration of bikes and the people who ride them, the Heights Bicycle Coalition (HBC) encourages residents of Cleveland Heights, Shaker Heights, South Euclid and University Heights to get outside and ride. There are numerous ways to participate in Bike Month through community rides, fix-it clinics, social gatherings, advocacy efforts, and more. The Heights Bicycle Coalition is hosting and supporting a variety of events that are free and open to all.
HBC urges Heights residents to bike to work or go anywhere by bike during the month of May. Sunday, May 5 is National Ride a Bike Day and May 13 to 17 is National Bike to Work Week, which culminates with Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 17. Locally, HBC, Bike Cleveland and University Circle Inc. are hosting Bike to Work Day events. On Friday, May 17 between 7:00 and 9:00 am, bike commuters can stop at fueling stations in Cleveland Heights, Downtown Cleveland, and University Circle for breakfast treats and giveaways.
Local governments are also in support of Bike Month. On Monday, April 15, the City of Cleveland Heights issued a resolution declaring May, Mary Dunbar Bike Month, as they do each year. And, on Monday, April 29, Shaker Heights City Council will issue their annual resolution declaring May Bike Month.
Traveling by bike is beneficial to our region’s social, economic and environmental growth. According to Bill Nesper, executive director of the League of American Bicyclists, the national organization advocating for a more Bicycle Friendly America for everyone, “When local communities invest in making bicycling safer and a real transportation option for more people, the return on investment is clear for individuals and society at large from cost-savings on public health to small businesses’ growth and more.”
Visit the League of American Bicyclists’ website to watch bicycling education videos with some tips that will help make your next bike commute safe and feasible.
Local Bike Events and Activities:
Crowdsourced Conversation: Living Less Car-Centric in the Heights
Tuesday, April 30 | 7:00 to 8:30 pm | Made Cleveland: 1807 Coventry Rd. A forum led by FutureHeights that provides residents with a deeper sense of community and inspires actionable ways to become more involved in the topic of living less car-centric.
Sunday, May 5 | Gather at 10:30, Ride at 11:00 am | Cedar Lee Bikes: 2309 Lee Rd, Cleveland Heights. A monthly bike ride on first Sundays led by Cleveland Heights bike shop, Cedar Lee Bikes. May 5 is also National Ride a Bike Day.
Monday, May 6 | Gather at 6:00 pm, Ride at 7:00 pm | University Circle: Wade Oval. Weekly Monday rides departing from a different location each week through the end of October.
NOACA Bike and Pedestrian Counts (Volunteers needed!)
Tuesday, May 14 – Saturday, May 18 | Various Times | Various Locations. The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) seeks volunteers to help conduct annual bicycle and pedestrian counts. This data collection supports future planning, design, and the prioritization of multimodal transportation infrastructure.
Ride of Silence (with Bike Cleveland)
Wednesday, May 15 | 6:30 pm | Dolan Science Center, John Carroll University. The annual Ride of Silence honors bicyclists killed or injured by motorists by promoting sharing the road and increasing awareness of bike safety. Departing from the Dolan Science Center parking lot off Carroll Blvd.
Bike to Work (and Everywhere) Day (with Bike Cleveland and University Circle Inc.)
Friday, May 17 | 7:30 to 9:00 am | Several Locations: Edgehill & Overlook; University Circle Inc (E. 100 & Euclid); and Detroit-Superior Bridge. Whether you bike to work or work from home, stop by one of these locations for breakfast snacks and giveaways in celebration of bike commuters and two-wheeled mobility.
Get Outside & Play (and community ride)
Saturday, May 18 | 10:00 am to 2:00 pm | Heights Library, 2345 Lee Rd, Cleveland Heights. Spring into warm weather with outdoor activities for all ages! Enjoy a make and take garden activity and gear up for summer biking with the Heights Bicycle Coalition, who will hold a bike rodeo and family-friendly bike ride starting at 11:30 am.
“When local communities invest in making bicycling safer and a real transportation option for more people, the return on investment is clear for individuals and society at large from cost-savings on public health to small businesses’ growth and more”
Bill Nesper, Executive Director of the League of American Bicyclists
Sunday, June 2 | Gather at 10:30/Ride at 11 am | 2309 Lee Rd, Cleveland Heights. A monthly bike ride on first Sundays led by Cedar Lee Bikes in Cleveland Heights.
Heights Bicycle Coalition Tuesday Bike Rides
Tuesday, June 4 | Gather at 6:30/Ride at 7 pm | Victory Park, South Euclid. Join the Heights Bicycle Coalition for its recurring bike rides every other Tuesday at 6:30 pm, from June 4 through October 22. Start locations vary, see here for details.
Ride with the Mayor of University Heights
Sunday, June 9 | 2:00 pm | Walter Stinson Community Park at 1:30 p.m.